with David R. Ibarra

"This isn't a book. It is a full contact coaching session with one of the most compelling personal improvement gurus of our time."

—Joseph Grenny, Co-Author of Crucial Conversations, Crucial Accountability, Influencer, and Change Anything. Co-Founder of VitalSmarts

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Pivot To Positive® Brain Model Learning Course
Module 1 - The Mystical and Dynamic Power of Thought
Module 2 - The DOSE Chemicals
Module 3 - The Reticular Activating System (RAS)
Module 4 - Dr. Doubt, The Creator, and Infinite Intelligence

Pivot to Positive® BRAIN MODEL Learning course


No one can achieve their full potential without a positive mind-set culture, and it starts here, with the P2P® Brain Model Learning Course. As a leader, you can now teach this course to your team, inspiring them to master a positive mind-set and achieve new ways of thinking, being, and living, so they can experience higher levels of success. This P2P® Brain Model Learning Course will provide you with:

  • Introduction to the P2P® Brain Model video full presentation
  • Module 1 - The Mystical and Dynamic Power of Thought - Video, Reading/Audio Assignment, Quiz, and Deep Dive Talk
  • Module 2 - The DOSE Chemicals - Video, Reading/Audio Assignment, Quiz, and Deep Dive Talk
  • Module 3 - The Reticular Activating System (RAS) - Video, Reading/Audio Assignment, Quiz and Deep Dive Talk
  • Module 4 - Dr. Doubt, The Creator, and Infinite Intelligence - Video, Reading/Audio Assignment, Quiz and Deep Dive Talk
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P2P® BRAIN MODEL Learning Course


Welcome to the Teachers Guide for the P2P® Brain Model Learning Course. The curriculum featured here has been specifically designed to initiate critical thinking, fully engage the participants, and promote eye-opening discussions, resulting in insights your team can implement immediately.

Each of the four modules in the P2P® Brain Model Learning Course is broken into two main sections: an Engagement Exercise and Ideas for Learning and Leading.

Use the Engagement Exercises to hook your team members and draw them into the discussion. The questions presented here are meant to spark investigations into real-world applications of the principles taught in ‘The P2P® Brain Model Course.’

The Ideas for Learning and Leading exercises help to deepen the discussion and build a framework for putting the P2P®Brain Model principles to work in your team. This section is packed with discussion points and activities to help your team members get the most from this training.

Notice that there are several different types of learning activities in the Ideas for Learning and Leading sections. Some of the activities are text-based, while some are action-based or communication-based. This gives you the option of teaching in the style that best suits the way your team members learn.

As your team members connect these principles to scenarios they face every day, they ’ll better understand and integrate ideas that build harmonious and enthusiastic Teamwork, a Habits of Success culture, and confidence in their own abilities to achieve goals, objectives, and the Company Purpose.


As you prepare for your training sessions, remember, you do not have to use every exercise in the Ideas for Learning and Leading sections. Depending on the time available, choose one to three activities for each training session. This gives you the option of using some of the material for later training sessions that reinforce the P2P® Brain Model principles and ideas you’ve already taught.

If necessary, adjust the exercises so they become both personal and empowering to your team. The more your team members connect deeply with the P2P®Brain Model principles, the quicker they are to internalize them.

Likewise, you may want to adjust some of the questions in the Engagement Exercises for your work environment. The ultimate goal is to inspire your team members to embrace the P2P® Brain Model principles and build a fully developed Rhythm of Success, both at work and in their personal lives.

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